Wideshot of two students sitting in the campus amphitheater outside.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not here, check the different FAQs in the menu bar.

Who is my academic advisor?
Find out who your faculty advisor is by reviewing your degree audit or by contacting the Program Assistant of the Department.
I need to complete the World Languages requirement. How do I go about signing up for a class?
The Department has very clear guidelines about student placement in Spanish and Portuguese courses depending on the language you studied in high school and the date you graduated from high school. Click here for Placement Policies.
Can I take the NYU Proficiency Exam to test out of the World Language requirement?
You must first take the Montclair State University placement test (http://8agv.annccb.com/language-placement/) to determine your level in the language. Depending on your level, consult with the language coordinator about the score you would need to receive on the NYU Proficiency Test to be given a waiver from the language requirement. The NYU placement test gives credits for the language; if your score is high enough, you are waived from taking language courses at Montclair State.
Can I take the CLEP exam to test out of the World Languages Requirement?
We do not generally recommend the CLEP test, because Montclair State University policy states that, even if you receive the full possible credit on the CLEP, you still need to take one more language course here. The only test the University accepts for full credit to fill the World Languages Requirement is the NYU 12 point exam (see previous question).
I want to study abroad during the summer. Can I get credits for a language course?
Yes, if the course is substantially similar to ours. Please consult Dr. Galoppe for questions about programs in Spanish and Portuguese.
I am a transfer student. Can I transfer the language courses I took at my previous institution to Montclair State to fulfill the World Language Requirement?
Yes. If the credits from another institution have been posted on your academic analysis record as free electives and you want to use them to complete the World Language Requirement, please contact Dr. Galoppe for Spanish and Portuguese transfer credits.
How can I find out what courses I need to complete a major or minor in Spanish, minor in Portuguese Studies, or minor in Latino Studies?
The Department office (CS222) has information about all the programs offered in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latino Studies. The Department website also lists information. You can also consult your advisor. Finally, the website of University College also lists four year plans for Spanish majors.
Does the Department offer Independent Study courses?
Please talk to Dr. Galoppe for Spanish and Portuguese courses.
What is the process for being accepted into the Teacher Education Program?
If you consult the website of the Center of Pedagogy, you will find detailed information about the admissions process. Your home department—Spanish and Latino Studies—requires nine credits of major courses before you can apply to the program. Please contact Dr. Edstrom in Spanish concerning the dates of the interviews for admission to the program.
Who answers questions about the Teacher Education Program?
Please contact Dr. Edstrom for questions about the Teacher Education Program in Spanish.