Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.
News and Announcements

Methods Class Hosts Math Ed Panel

Panel members are all currently working in the K-12 mathematics education space and have a wealth of expertise about what it’s like

Posted in: Mathematics Education PhD, Students and Alumni

mathematics education panel discussion with MATH 470/519
Student panel discussion about mathematics education. The Panel included (from left to right) Gabriella Migliore, Emily Sullivan, Abiodun Banner, Adam Anderson, and Christa Mawn.

Several members of our doctoral program in mathematics education recently visited our Teaching Mathematics methods class (MATH 470/MATH 519) to participate in a Mathematics Education Panel Discussion. The discussion was led by MATH 470/MATH 519 students as they asked Panel members about what it’s like to be a math teacher, the interview process, how to best support students, and how to maintain a work/life balance. The entire discussion was so inspirational. A huge thank you goes out to all Panel members.