Transgender flag in a heart

Gender Marker Change Information

The University does not currently have a Gender Marker policy that allows campus community members to change their gender identity marker in University information systems without a level gender marker change.

To Update Legal Gender Marker at Montclair

  • Complete the Change of Name, Gender and/or Social Security Number Form from the Registrar:
  • Submit the form to the registrar with the required legal documents and the original court order document.
    • Acceptable Legal Documents:
      • Marriage Certificate
      • Divorce Decree which specifically states that a name other than married name may be used.
      • Court order which legalizes the name change.
      • Naturalization document which specifies a name change.
      • Birth Certificate
      • Passport
      • Original Social Security Cards are only acceptable for adding or changing your SSN.
  • The Registrar will update university records

For university records information, contact the Registrar:

Legal Gender Marker Change in NJ

In July 2018, Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation to allow individuals who were born in New Jersey to amend their birth certificates to reflect their gender identity.  The “Babs Siperstein Law” allows New Jersey residents to change their gender identification on their birth certificates without having to present proof of surgery and adds a third “non-binary” gender category. Learn More.

National Center for Transgender Equality

New Jersey Department of Health | Vital Records